What Happens If You Don't Wear Your Retainer

Nowadays, a ubiquitous question for the patient is what happens if you don't wear your retainer? It will affect your teeth. It's a risk of your teeth, and the tooth without retainer teeth will move back into normal position.
After your orthodontic treatment, you need to maintain your teeth; after braces take off or Invisalign aligners are removed, you need to wear your retainer.
There are several types of retainers. If you feel irritated or lazy to wear a retainer, you can choose a flexible retainer for you to wear as long as possible to stay in position.
When patients get their braces off, the dentist always giving very detailed instructions on how much time retainer should be worn when we're taking braces off of the teenagers or the adolescents; we're always instructing them to wear them probably.
What Happens If You Don't Wear Your Retainer?
Most of the people asking a question what happens if you don't wear your retainer, who had completed their orthodontic treatment, should wear a retainer after treatment; otherwise, the teeth will move into their original position.
Retainers are essential if you want your teeth to stay straight, so you may be asking yourself you've just finished your braces you've had them on for however long it's been a year, two years, and if you can, thankfully, I don't need to wear anything more now.
The question is, do you really need to wear your retainers? Well, my answer is if you want your teeth to stay straight, then yes, you do. The retainers are the only things that will help keep your teeth in those positions.
Once the braces come off your teeth, there is nothing to hold them in a specific position in all of us, your gums, lips, and bone that will all be changing as time goes on, and so we know as you get older, the lip gets less elastic.
Therefore, the effect or the force that your lip can provide on teeth can sometimes weaken you. Also, know that your gums will generally come back a little bit as you get older because we know that the support in your teeth.
Retainers are made. Their purpose is to hold your teeth in place in their new position and keep your bite where it belongs. The first three to six months after you finish treatment is that you wear your removable retainers from after dinner until you get up in the morning.
So about 10 to 12 hours, and then after that six-month, it's okay to just wear them while you're sleeping.
Now in our practice, we feel very strongly about permanent retainers. The tiny wires they'd usually go behind the bottom front teeth or behind the top front teeth are meant to stay in place as long as possible.
All of the studies show that the bottom front teeth will shift whenever you have your treatment done, and you stop wearing retainers.
So that's why we always put them in, and we suggest leaving them as long as possible in terms of keeping those clean as long as you're doing an excellent job with brushing and flossing, getting to your dentist every six months, you should be fine and have no issues there.
What Happens If You Don't Wear Your Retainer At Night?
Many young patients asking what happens. If you don't wear your retainers at night, your teeth are at risk of relapsing; this means they could fall back into their original position.
Before we started braces, the dentist advises indefinite retention, which means continuous wear throughout your life.
It may only mean that you have to try your retainer periodically to check that it's still fitted, but this will ensure that the teeth don't move and staying safe with the expected position. To keep your teeth straight long-term, we would advise permanent retention.
So that means wearing your retainer continuously. However, it doesn't mean that you have to wear it every single night. You can drop down, following the guidance of your orthodontist or your orthodontic therapist.
Slowly reducing their wear, it's bedtime only, and that's every single night to bed until we've had an excellent idea of whether wisdom teeth are going to cause any change in the bite once wisdom teeth come out.
If they need to come out, we're instructing patients to make sure that they're wearing the retainers enough to keep them fitting.
What Happens If You Don't Wear Your Retainer for A Week?
If you don't wear your retainer for a week, you may feel a little tight and discomfort that means your teeth start moving to the last palace; in some of the patients, one week, nothing happens, but in some cases, it's moving very fast.
If you want a beautiful smile, then you need to wear your retainer for at least six months to get a better result from your orthodontic treatment, and your dentist will suggest, based on your treatment situation, how long you need to wear a retainer.
Many people did not wear a retainer after braces until two weeks or one month. If you do this, it will definitely impact your teeth and smile, also the lips, if two days or three days or one night or two nights is possible to stay without a retainer.
But a long time you can’t leave your teeth after braces off, or Invisalign aligners removed few hours are OK to keep empty your mouth if you did not wear more than 3 months again you need to take treatment to correct your teeth.
What Happens If You Don't Wear Your Retainer, All the Time?
If you don't wear your retainer all the time, your teeth will shift again gradually original position; if you wear the retainer, it will force you to stay realignment position, but you need to wear a minimum of 6 months to get a satisfactory result.
Batter if you wear more than a year or wearing continue before you stop wearing a retainer, you should visit your dentist to make sure your teeth are in the proper place, and it will not move back.
After wasting time and money, if you did not wear a retainer, then it's useless for orthodontic treatment; you should not miss wearing a retainer for even one or two days or a maximum of one week; after complete your orthodontic treatment dentist will inform you.
Do Retainers hurt?
Let's discuss do retainers hurt or why we use retainers in autonomic treatments. First of all, every treatment consists of three phases the first phase of diagnostic phases is when we do the x-rays and when we diagnose the case and come up with a treatment plan.
The second phase is the treatment itself okay; it can last from 12 months to 24 months, let's say an average, and then the retention phase, so most important is the retention phase. Remember this, it's like the sort of thinking about this you go to best buy.
An expensive piece of electronics, you want to have a warranty for this right, so retention is your warranty for the whole treatment.
So, retainers are absolutely the most one of the most essential parts of all processes if the retentions are not adequately developed and done by your orthodontist, and if you don't follow the protocols what happens your teeth will shift, and then everything that you spend prior just could be wasted.
It’s essential now retainers do not hurt. The retainers are passive. I recommend permanent retainers or semi-permanent. They are glued from the inside nobody can see them.
They hold your teeth together, with the only problem that you have to use super floss or water floss. You can floss between them, or you can have nighttime retainers that you wear nighttime only okay.
Those made of plastic you put them during the sleep right when you go too bad, and usually, they protect your teeth and protect the investment in your health.
That's important. Do retainers hurt? No, they don't hurt. Do you have to get used to them? Yeah, absolutely like with everything else, you buy new pairs of shoes. Think about this: do you have to use them or not absolutely the same in the mouth.
If a doctor puts something in them in your mouth, you definitely have to get used to them. Don’t confuse about will retainers hurt or not.
Fixed Bonded Retainers?
What are fixed bonded retainers or bond retainers are little pieces of wire glued to the backside of your teeth to keep teeth from moving after braces or Invisalign? These retainers are sometimes referred to as permanent retainers.
I wish things in dentistry were permanent, but unfortunately, they're not, so these retainers are glued on, and we hope that they're going to last you a lifetime.
But at some point, they probably have to have some service, so they're either going break or the wires going to break or become unglued from your teeth, and if that happens, you need a visit to your orthodontist and have it repaired.
And when going for cleaning checks with your hygienist, they will check these retainers for you and ask how that retainer doing. If there are any issues with it, go see your orthodontist with the retainers on the bottom or glue them to every individual tooth.
Usually from canine to canine or between your eye teeth, or they've just glued the two teeth on either side, however, they're fixed in there, they need to be flossed around, so your orthotics will give you instructions on that.
Threader to get around that retainer and floss your teeth. Also, cleaning behind teeth is very important, and while brushing and floss, be careful it might damage or bend.
Conculsion: A lot of patients asking a question what happens if you don't wear your retainer if you did not wear your teeth will shift back to the original palace, after your orthodontic treatment at least you need to wear your retainers sit to one year before your dentist satisfaction to ensure your teeth are fitted in the right palace, before you deciding anything you should ask your dentist, thanks!

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