What to eat after wisdom teeth removal day 1

This article is primarily intended for those dental clinic patients who have had a tooth removed. At the same time, it will be helpful for those preparing to undergo this procedure.
Tooth extraction is stressful, like any operation. Even if your doctor has told you what to do after a tooth extraction, you may forget the advice as soon as you leave the office.
What to eat after wisdom teeth removal day 1?
It is forbidden to put anything in the mouth two hours after the extraction.
During this time, a cork of condensed blood is formed and fixed on the hole, which is necessary to protect against the ingress of various elements, including pathogens. If you are very thirsty, then this can be done through a straw or in small sips.
On day 1, after wisdom teeth removal, you can drink non-hot drinks and eat liquid porridge, yogurt, soups. Over the next few days, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Food should be at a comfortable temperature, hot and too cold food is prohibited, including drinks
- It is necessary to exclude solid foods that can injure the gums
- You need to chew food on the side that has not been operated on
- After each dose, you need to rinse your mouth with warm saline
- If immunity is reduced, you can additionally take multivitamins
It is better to refuse or limit sweets, spicy foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks.
What to do after removing a wisdom tooth?
On this day, it is better to go home and relax: sleep, read a book, watch your favorite show or movie. It is not recommended to move a lot and intensively to engage in physical labor.
Starting from the second day, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with antiseptics, take antibiotic medications to prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
What antibiotics to take after removing a wisdom tooth, the doctor decides. If there are no recommendations, then you can choose any medications with a broad spectrum of action.
Intensive rinsing is not recommended; licking a blood clot is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, it will lead to the effect of a dry hole. The clotted blood plug protects the formed cavity and jawbones from food particles and bacteria getting inside.
Do not eat hot or too cold foods, drinks; overheat the body. Visiting the beach, baths, saunas are prohibited.
Smokers will have to give up cigarettes for 2, 3 days, or better for a week. This is because nicotine does not allow the wound to heal quickly, constricting the blood vessels. As a result, tissues are poorly saturated with oxygen, nutrients, and infections are easier.
A repeated visit to the doctor is required, even if the stitches do not need to be removed.
The doctor examines the wound, can identify complications in time, and prescribe the correct treatment. Do not wait for the date of re-admission with severe, persistent pain, the appearance of pus in the hole.
If the temperature rises after the extraction of a wisdom tooth?
The symptom may occur immediately after extirpation. This is due to the action of the immune system in response to tissue injury, the invasion of the body by foreign elements.
Doctors recommend taking antipyretics using cold compresses to remove local heat.
If the patient is then operated on for several days after extirpation, this may indicate an inflammatory process. The most common is alveolitis. It is accompanied by acute pain, which can radiate to the throat, temple, ear, depending on where the hole is located.
If you urgently need to go to the dental clinic where the surgery was performed when probing the hole with the tongue, an empty cavity is felt.
How to relieve pain after wisdom tooth extraction?
The doctor prescribes drugs for pain relief to the patient. If there is no list, but it hurts badly, then you can buy Tempalgin, Baralgin, Ketanov, and similar medicines. Medicines must be taken according to the instructions.
If you take too many pills, it will lead to the development of side effects. However, one tablet is usually sufficient to stop an attack. Reception three times a day.
In addition to drugs, soreness can be reduced by using cold. A cold compress is applied to the cheek for 15-30 minutes up to four times a day. You can use pieces of ice, frozen food from the freezer. They are placed in a plastic bag and towel and then applied to the sore spot.
How to reduce swelling after the removal of wisdom teeth?
The swelling of the injured tissue is normal. After an invasive procedure in the dentition, the gums swell and the face from the side where the extirpation was performed.
Subject to all the doctor's requirements for the recovery period, the edema goes away on its own within 1.3 days. Cold compresses can be used to speed up the outflow of fluid.
How do you keep oral hygiene after tooth extraction?
The main task is to preserve the blood clot on the wound of the extracted tooth while maintaining a clean and healthy mouth. How to properly care for your teeth during this period:
- No hygiene procedures are required immediately after tooth extraction. However, it is better to postpone the first brushing of your teeth until the following day. And you will need a brush with soft bristles.
- And it is better to take a new one so that it is sterile. Finally, you need to brush your teeth with a small amount of paste, avoiding the wound area, and clean the adjacent teeth with care.
- Do not rinse your mouth (including brushing your teeth), and use an aggregator for the first three days! After that, the clot may dissolve or wash out with the fluid stream, and treatment will have to be resumed.
- Instead of rinsing, use mouthwash - just put water in your mouth and gently spit it out. If the doctor prescribes antiseptic drugs, rinse them.
- Try not to touch the open wound with your tongue, as well as with your hands or a toothpick - this can damage or move the clot and introduce an infection into the hole.
It is impossible to throw hygiene in the mouth - the bacterial plaque will accumulate in the mouth, due to which inflammation may begin.
Medicines after tooth extraction?
To avoid complications, your doctor will prescribe home remedies for you. Which medications can be taken depends on your specific situation, body characteristics, allergic reactions, and possible concomitant diseases.
Can a tooth be restored after extraction?
There are several options for tooth restoration, and not everyone requires a long wait.
- Removable dentures can be installed no earlier than after 3-4 days, but it is better to wait 2-3 weeks for the holes to finally return to normal.
- Bridges cannot be placed immediately since when taking impressions and preparing (turning) adjacent teeth, the wound can be injured. Therefore, the earliest is only after 5-6 days.
- Implantation can be carried out either immediately - the implant is placed in the socket of the extracted tooth, or 3-5 months after the restoration of the bone, if we are talking about the classic two-stage implantation.
Removable dentures are the most inexpensive type of dental restoration; however, it has a relatively large number of unpleasant disadvantages - from loss and poor aesthetics to no load on the bone tissue, which is not restored but continues to atrophy.
The second option is bridge prosthetics or dental bridges. These are non-removable structures that are attached to two adjacent abutment teeth. In terms of comfort, this option is better than removable dentures.
But the abutment teeth have to be sharpened, that is, deliberately disabled - in the future, they will also have to be restored. In addition, this type of prosthesis also does not stop the development of atrophic.
Therefore, the best solution would be dental implants - only it can stop bone tissue atrophy since the implant replaces the tooth root and transfers chewing pressure to the bone, which stimulates blood circulation and cell nutrition.
Implantation is the longest-lasting and most reliable solution for tooth restoration in comparison with other types of prosthetics. At the same time, implants can be installed even in the hole of a newly extracted tooth, which will allow you to abandon the tissue augmentation procedure in the future and significantly reduce the level of surgical intervention, as well as the time of treatment and restoration of the coronal part of the tooth.
How to brush your teeth after a wisdom tooth extraction?
Within 24 hours, you need to forget about the usual oral hygiene. On the second day, you can use a toothbrush and paste, but carefully bypass the site of surgery.
Choose a brush with soft bristles so as not to accidentally touch the injured tissue. Do not actively spit out the paste; it is better to rinse your mouth with saline solution.
After three days, the procedure can be carried out in the usual way. However, do not forget about cleaning the tongue, in which plaque bacteria are also formed.
How long does the gum heal after removing a wisdom tooth?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally since the answer depends on the following factors:
- The complexity of extirpation - with a simple procedure, the tissues are minimally traumatized, which means that the hole will be delayed by a few days. However, with incisions of the gums, the tissues heal for several weeks.
- In age - in young people faster
- the presence of complications, inflammatory processes that delay healing indefinitely until the infection is eliminated
- compliance with the doctor's prescriptions for the organism's rehabilitation period
- Individual characteristics.
Bad breath after removing wisdom teeth?
Unpleasant odors occur during infectious, inflammatory processes, so a symptom may mean the beginning of the development of the disease. Usually, it appears 3, 4 days after the bacteria penetrate into the hole and actively reproduce.
If pain, swelling of the gums, or discharge of pus joins him, then an urgent need to consult a doctor.
How does the hole close after tooth extraction?
The tissues are restored in about 10-15 days. At least by this time, the pain will pass, and external changes will no longer cause you fear. But, of course, this is a conditional framework - the healing process for each patient takes place individually.
The injured gum is restored, and the bone tissue inside the hole, from where the root was removed. Below we list the approximate time frame for all stages.
If you have them shorter/longer, you should not panic - you need to evaluate the remaining symptoms: when there are no additional manifestations of pathology, rehabilitation is proceeding according to plan.
First 3 hours: bleeding occurs after the tooth extraction - this is common once the tissues were injured. The well is completely filled with blood, which usually coagulates immediately - this is how a blood clot or clot forms.
It is essential for average rehabilitation! In fact, this is a natural barrier against the penetration of bacteria into the wound. The color of the hole is dark red.
The first 2-3 days: a dark thrombus persists and becomes denser, its size decreases. Granulation tissue begins to form inside the hole - young connective tissue, which will become the basis for the restoration of the mucous membrane.
3-7 days: the clot brightens, acquires a whitish color. The granulation tissue covers almost the entire wall. The swelling and soreness should decrease or even go away completely.
7-10 days: the blood clot dissolves; the remains can be seen only in the center of the hole, which has decreased in size. Under the healing gum, new bone tissue begins to form, which is 4-6 months will fill the defect from the edges to the center.
After 15 days: a young pink mucous membrane covers the entire socket, superficial healing is completed.

All information and articles available on this site are for educational purposes only. The information given here should not be used without any expert advice for the diagnosis or treatment of any health related problem or disease. Always seek the advice of a qualified doctor for medical examination and treatment.