Teeth whitening harm or benefit?||Professional and Home teeth whitening||Word of doctor

Those who want to become the owner of a Hollywood smile are ready to rub charcoal the enamel, brush their teeth with soda, and test various toothpaste.
They want to get a quick result without asking themselves the main question: is teeth whitening harmful or beneficial?
In the article, we talked in detail about the benefits and dangers of both home and professional lighting.
Home teeth whitening-harm or benefit?
Home lightening methods are cheap and allow for experimentation. You don't even have to spend time visiting the dentist to get the color you want. However, home teeth whitening improves the shade by a maximum of 2-3 tones.
The main drawback is the huge risks. If in clinics, doctors can choose a suitable method of lightening, taking into account the characteristics of the patient, then on their own it is rarely possible to adequately assess the state of health.
Home teeth whitening using traditional methods often leads to serious problems:
- Destruction of enamel.
- Increased sensitivity of teeth to high and low temperatures.
- Burns of the mucous membrane, respectively, severe pain for a long time.
- The appearance of an allergic reaction due to the lack of a full examination.
- Poisoning of the body through accidental ingestion of chemicals.
The most popular is hydrogen peroxide. However, the concentration of substances in ordinary bubbles is only 3-6%, which is why they are not suitable for full clarification, but they can lead to a chemical burn of the mucous membrane.
We must not forget about baking soda, which some do not hesitate to use for teeth whitening. Soda helps remove soft plaque, but there is a risk of cracks in the enamel. It is more advisable to use whitening toothpaste without the risk of harming your health.
Professional teeth whitening-harm or benefit?
In dental clinics, ZOOM is the most popular - the most harmless, and safest teeth whitening. First, the doctor determines the initial and desired shade, then covers the lips and gums with a special film, and applies a whitening gel to the teeth.
The action of a special apparatus on the surface activates the gel, which makes it possible to remove pigmentation in the upper and lower layers.
Many people are interested in whether ZOOM teeth whitening is harmful. Numerous studies and clinical trials, the experience of our patients show that professional lightening under the guidance of a doctor is safe.
The gel contains chemicals that make your teeth feel more sensitive. For the first few days, you will have to adhere to a special "white" diet and dentist's recommendations, as a negative reaction to cold and hot food, solid foods, and dyes may occur.
The enamel is restored on its own, while the effect lasts for several years. After all sessions, the doctor uses a special gel to floured the enamel, allowing you to speed up the recovery process.
To whiten teeth with the ZOOM system at the dental clinic, you will need to go through only 3-4 sessions of 15 minutes each. As a result, in a maximum of an hour, you will get a snow-white smile without cracks, burns, and other unpleasant consequences.
Professional home teeth whitening-harm or benefit?
The main remedy is individual Mouthguards. They are put on the dentition, after which the active components that are contained inside begin to act on the enamel. The use of fluoride as an additional component enables the patient to avoid painful sensations.
Teeth whitening trays are simple and comfortable. Competently selected designs allow you to achieve lightning by 4-6 tones. They are made of colored silicone, so they are almost invisible on the teeth.
This method of lighting brings the desired effect only under the guidance of a doctor. When self-whitening is performed, the patient does not take into account contraindications, does not carry out professional hygiene, which is why he often faces severe pain, burns of gum tissue, and other dangerous consequences.
As an alternative, pharmacy preparations for whitening teeth are often used:
- Whitening strips. Stick on the dentition, leave for 30 minutes, remove. It must be used every day for 2 weeks.
- Pencil. With a special pencil for whitening teeth, you need to squeeze out a little gel, apply on each tooth, leave it for 5-7 minutes, rinse your mouth with plain water.
- Whitening toothpaste. They contain special substances that help remove pigmented plaque. The whitening paste can be used for a maximum of a week, after which you need to take a break for several months.
Considering the risk of enamel erosion, serious burns, constant pain, it is much safer and more effective to undergo professional teeth cleaning.
It will relieve plaque, stains, bleeding gums, bad breath, while keeping the tooth enamel and gums in perfect condition, will not cause painful sensations and allergic reactions.
A word to the doctor
“There are really good pharmacy methods for whitening teeth. In order for them to give the desired effect, you need to consult a doctor who will give recommendations based on your characteristics. Independent use of folk or pharmacy methods is fraught with burns, cracks, constant painful sensations.
Professional teeth whitening cannot be called absolutely safe, because the whitening compound penetrates into the enamel, making it thinner and more sensitive for a while.
However, carrying out remineralizing therapy and adhering to a special diet will help to quickly restore enamel and protect it from pathogenic microorganisms."

All information and articles available on this site are for educational purposes only. The information given here should not be used without any expert advice for the diagnosis or treatment of any health related problem or disease. Always seek the advice of a qualified doctor for medical examination and treatment.